The Beauty is in the Details

August 6, 2019

Yes, I am a laidback photographer who believes in providing photography that allows you to take deep breaths and get the most enjoyment out of your day. However, as laidback as I am I do believe in the power of focusing on the details … or better said, making sure your photographer does.



Wedding photographers definitely need to focus on the ceremony, reception, group photos and more. Yet sometimes the photos that bring back the fondest memories are the ones that highlight a ring, or a dress, or a bouquet.
You might say, well isn’t that standard? Shouldn’t that happen automatically? Yes and no.
The best way to make sure this happens is to have a conversation with your photographer about what’s important to you.

In order for a photographer to provide these images to you they will need:
  • Time in the schedule to capture the details. This is crucial because if a photographer is given a choice between only having time for taking photos of the details and say the first look … the choice will be the latter.
  • A list of the details that are most important to you. You want photos of your rings but aren’t looking to get the shoes, etc.
  • Space to take these photos or a heads up to bring a board to photograph more styled photos of things like rings, shoes, invitations, etc.
  • Communication is essential for everyone involved. So let your photographer know so that everyone is happy in the end.
Have a Great Day!

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